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Oil and vinegar

Oil and vinegar

The secret to success for sauces and dressings

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Editorial Team at Kitchen Stories

No two oils are the same. Therefore, it is important to have an array of different cooking oils on hand. Neutral plant oils like sunflower or rapeseed oil are well-suited for roasting/frying because they can be heated to high temperatures. Olive oil, on the other hand, is better suited for dressings and marinades because of its rich flavor.
Vinegar is also ideal for cooking, marinades, and dressings. Balsamic vinegar, in particular, is a popular option for such purposes. However, there are many different types of vinegar, like white wine or apple cider, all of which add a wonderful depth of flavor to a variety of dishes. In our How To section, you can find instructions on how to make your own basic vinaigrette.

Basic mustard vinaigrette

Basic mustard vinaigrette

  • 01:38 min.

Balsamic vinegar

Originating from Italy, this dark-colored vinegar is recognizable by its sweet-sour taste. It is often paired with olive oil to make vinaigrette.

Olive oil

Virgin olive oil is plant-based oil, which in contrast with most other plant-based oils is a product of nature. The gentlest way of producing olive oil is by simply pressing the olives. Depending on how ripe the olives are, the color of the oil can vary from green-brown to yellow-gold. The method of processing the olives determines the quality of the oil. Extra virgin olive oil is rated as first class because it is oil from the first pressing, and has an acidity of less than 0.8%. Other virgin olive oils are in a lower class because their level of acidity is higher, though they are still perfectly safe for consumption.

Published on January 26, 2016

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