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Sauces, pastes and more

Sauces, pastes and more

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Editorial Team at Kitchen Stories

Sauces and pastes deliver a special note to many dishes, whether it’s soy sauce and/or curry paste in Asian-style dishes, or tomato paste in Mediterranean dishes. These staples are particularly useful for international dishes.

Soy sauce

This Asian condiment can be recognized by its full, powerful, and stock-like flavor, which makes it very suitable for sauces and marinades. For a less salty taste, you can resort to light or clear soy sauce.

Tomato paste

This paste is a true all-purpose condiment. Not only does it gives soups and sauces a fruity note and depth of color, it also goes well in fish and meat marinades, or even salad dressings. Tomato paste is available in three variants based on the concentration of water and can therefore be used in a variety of ways.

Published on January 26, 2016

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