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Whoever calls his own blog “derultimativekochblog,” or “theultimatecookblog,” must either be a megalomaniac or have a great sense of self-deprecating humor. Anna and Holger definitely fall into the latter category; they communicate their great passion for cooking and baking with a wink.

Their humor doesn’t reflect the quality of their recipes, though. From healthy to indulgent, Japanese to Italian, you’ll find plenty of diverse options on the blog they’ve run since 2012. Their food philosophy is “pleasure addiction meets environmental awareness,” and, as such, their plates are filled with lots of fresh, regional food. Recipes like these can also be found in their diary-style cookbook “Mampf—Ein Jahr, ein Paar, ein Topf“ (meaning “Munchies—a year, a couple, a pot”), which includes 101 recipes.

Read our article on Kitchen Stories here.

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All recipes by "derultimativekochblog"

Spring pasta with peas and mint

Spring pasta with peas and mint

Oven-baked sweet potatoes

Oven-baked sweet potatoes

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