How to cut an onion

How to cut an onion

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Easy 👌
  • Step 1/2

    Onions are an integral part of so many of our favorite recipes. Pasta sauces, soups and stews, salads, and more all rely on this allium to add a fundamental depth of flavor to their recipes; without them, many of our dishes would be lost.

  • Step 2/2

    When it comes to chopping onions, it's easy not to know where to start. But a couple of tricks will have you dicing and slicing more efficiently (and safely!) than you have before. First, be sure to use a sharp knife; this will prevent your eyes from burning, as well as diminish the chances that you'll cut yourself, as you won't need to press down as hard to slice through the vegetable. Second, be sure that your cutting board doesn't slide while you chop. An easy way to ensure this is to place a damp towel underneath it for traction. Lastly, follow the tips in the video above for how to dice and slice an onion quickly and accurately every time.

  • Enjoy your meal!

    How to cut an onion



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